Friday, 14 October 2016

Don't stop the flow

And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing."
Ezekiel 47:12 ESV

Apologies for a few days of silence. When I started this blog it was with the expectation that I would have something to say every day. I never wanted it to become an empty religious activity where I posted something regardless of whether I had something fresh to say. But I do have the expectation when I come to God's word that he will speak to me. And when he does there will be something good to pass on.

The honest reason is just the business of life. I have other draws on my time. For the past few days they have seemed more important than a blog where currently only a small number of people read what I write.

But this verse this morning provoked me and reminded me why I do it. It reminded me why it's important for me (for us) to keep sharing the life of God we receive in whatever way we can.

The trees by the water of life speak of the men and women of God who are nourished by the word of God. Read Psalm 1 and note the similarities.

But the water of life doesn't just flow directly from God himself. It flows through us his servants. This is what Jesus promises to all his followers in John 7:38. God desires the life of his word to be like a river. Not just flowing into our lives for our own benefit but flowing out too to bless others.

That's why it's important to keep sharing. Look at what it will produce. When Ezekiel first saw the river it seemed like an insignificant trickle but the more it did flow the more it did grow. Until it became a mighty torrent.

It's easy sometimes to dismiss our own contribution as small or irrelevant. But God wants to use the river of life that flows from us to bless others. Even if its just ones or twos. And who knows the significance of the fruit from the lives of those ones or twos might be? God could use it for the healing of nations! Who knows what mighty torrent may come when we continue to allow our little trickle to keep flowing?

That's why I will continue to share and continue to cast my bread upon the waters. When God gives us good things it's our responsibility to find a way to pass them on.

God bless you and may your river of life be a blessing to others today.

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